How To Protect Your Personal Information Online

Learn the essential digital skills to stay safe online
In four easy-to-follow lessons, this free course shows you the critical skills you need to stay current and stay safe in today’s digital world. Feel confident in your ability to do tasks online, whether it’s for your work or everyday life.

In 2022, there were 2.4 million fraud reports and nearly $9 billion reported stolen, according to AARP.

These days, you need to know how to do just about everything online — and cybercriminals are counting on this. Knowing how to protect your personal information online is your first line of defense against scams
Test Yourself
At the end of each lesson, be sure to take the brief quiz at the bottom of the page. Each quiz has three basic questions designed to summarize the material. Use the “Next” button to advance to the lesson.
Get Started
Scroll to the bottom of this page to begin this workshop by clicking on Lesson 1.

Let's Get Started
The four lessons in this workshop will help you understand how to stay safe online.
Begin Lesson One