Social Media and Technology

How to Use Social Media and Technology to Stay Connected and Remain Safe Online
Staying connected with friends and family is essential to your well-being.
A growing body of research shows that feelings of isolation and loneliness can be detrimental to mental and physical health, especially for people over 50; even worse, they can make older adults more vulnerable to scams and fraud. But connections can be difficult to maintain when the ones you love live far away — and you’re unsure how to use the latest technology.
Learning how to use video chats and social media to stay in touch with others can help you feel more socially connected. Social networks offer opportunities to create connections, stay more active, enjoy virtual learning opportunities, and even travel around the world — all from the comfort and safety of home.
A significant number of older adults are already using social media. According to recent research from AARP, 63% of U.S. adults age 50 and older report using Facebook on a regular basis, and 33% report using YouTube. But there are still many more people who could benefit from social networking, and AARP Foundation Digital Skills Ready@50+ can help.
The three lessons in this workshop can help you get started on one or more social media platforms and stay connected safely online.
So how do you use social media to stay connected?
WATCH: Learn tips for using social media to stay connected.

Twenty percent of gig workers are over the age of 55.

Recent survey research shows that 63% of U.S. adults age 50 and older report using Facebook on a regular basis, and 33% report using YouTube.
Get Started
Scroll to the bottom of this page to watch a short introductory video about using social media to stay connected.
Once you finish the video, begin this workshop by clicking on Lesson 1.
Test Yourself
At the end of each lesson, be sure to take the brief quiz at the bottom of the page. Each quiz has three basic questions designed to summarize the material. Use the “Next” button to advance to the lesson.

Let's Get Started!
The three lessons in this Social Media workshop can help you learn how to use technology to stay connected and remain safe online.
Begin Lesson One