Lesson 3: How to Use Google Docs

How to Use Google Docs
Google Docs allows you to collaborate with other people in real time. When sharing documents with other people, you decide who gets permission to view or edit the file. That means you can share with someone and allow them to only view the document or you can share and allow them to make suggestions or even edit the document. As the owner of that document, you choose what those permissions are.
The sharing options in Google workspace, especially Google Docs, makes it easy to get feedback from other people on whatever project you’re working on. In today’s workforce with lots of people working remotely or starting businesses from home, this ability to get feedback from others through sharing documents is vital.
In addition, Google Docs can be downloaded and shared as a Microsoft Word document or a PDF. So compatibility should never be an issue. This comes in handy when you’re sharing a personal document with a friend who has Microsoft Word — they’re not going to have a problem opening up your Google Doc. And vice versa.